System map
Machines and people will coexist in new ways at the workplace, and social systems, education and fundamental rights will have to adapt to the new environment.
90 per cent of jobs will require digital skills within the next 20 years. Half of all youth in the developing world entering society in 2030 will lack the basic secondary-level skills they need to survive. The system map shows just how changing education will affect us all, not just youngsters. Relationships will be the most important idea, concept and challenge for higher education in the 21st century.
Top education topics identified by our AI are digital transformation and use of robots to aid education, much reduced infrastructure the use of AR, VR and the Internet creating an always-on education system for all. With the arrival of voice bots, we can expect virtual tutors to arrive soon with access to human teachers when and if we need them.
AI in Education Market is expected to exceed USD6 billion by 2024.
Around 269 million new jobs could be created if investment in education, health and social work were doubled by 2030.
Sixty-five percent of jobs will require some form of postsecondary education by 2020.
This second radar chart though shows a high degree of inertia in the traditional school educational system.
By 2025, Athena's 25,000+ sources think that education will be built directly into many entertainments offers. Robots too will be there to help us find and know what we need to be more effective in our everyday lives and wherever we are especially in managing our health and security and reducing our energy usage. We may be taxed for these services too.
Global sentiment towards more education is nett positive with much investment in new technologies partially offset by an increasing divide between rich and poor and lack of opportunity for the latter's families plus concerns about growing student debts in developing countries.
Pie charts
Given the observations above it is sad that education does not have a higher intensity rank and that we are not likely to see a transformation for another generation even though the prize can be measured in billions of extra dollars for forward thinking economies.
It's not all bad news however with the Czech Republic, Serbia, Vietnam, Ireland, Saudi Arabia and Denmark making efforts to improve their education systems. But in Africa, Philippines, New Zealand and much of South America our robot sees little change.
Given the coming threat of AI to jobs it seems that governments are not doing more to increase their populations competencies and hence increase their chances of economic success in the coming decades. It seems people are being left to educate themselves through their mobile phones with potentially unforeseen consequences.
Extracted forecasts found by Athena and linked back to the original articles, reports and PowerPoints (Insights) that she found can be found below using this search term:
european union
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Athena used the sources below as the top ones to create this report and determined which embedded forecasts are included in this Trend Alert. She found 3,895 forecasts in seconds on 18th October 2018 to allow us to publish this report in less than ninety minutes. She can turn these into PowerPoint slides and Audio files in minutes too as you wish, or we can prepare a full customized and professionally written brief for you to order covering all these forecasts.
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