What Can I Do Here?
Add Insights on observed emerging changes important to you and your organization
Create your own database of articles, videos, podcasts, reports etc. Add your own personal ideas, or entries without an online reference by leaving out the URL, share your observations with others or keep them private as you wish.
Drag and drop this to your bookmarks bar to add Insights
This is the fastest, most convenient and easiest way to add Insights.
You can add an Insight wherever you are on the web by clicking the resultant button that will appear in your browser bar after dragging and dropping. It will turn news pieces and PDFs into automatically analyzed metadata and emerging, future Indicators through our revolutionary Extractor.
Enter a URL
If you have the URL already you can enter it directly into the provided dialog box.
You can also manually add an Insight, or your own identified future Issue e.g. something you observed from a physical magazine without a provided link or while going about your normal day-to-day business.
Upload a file
You can upload a file too as long as its in PDF format.
Finishing off
In either case, edit the Insight if necessary and privacy setting to complete your analysis before saving. Each dialog box offers an example of how to ensure an Insight is added correctly.
If you make your privacy setting ('My' or 'Our') we will not add additional, important information other than that added by our algorithm. You will also not gain the benefit of our members commenting on your Insight through a 'Forum'. We encourage you to make Insights open to all and void paying as-you-go unless the Insight needs to remain confidential for even a short-time or is too specific and detailed for general viewing. However, our editor will add additional information such as Arrival Time if you make the Insight public in 'All' mode.
Do remember that you can’t participate effectively in flows of knowledge–at least not for long–without contributing knowledge of our own. This occurs because other members in these knowledge flows don’t want free riding “takers”; they want to develop relationships with people and organisations that can contribute knowledge of their own. This is a huge hurdle for most people who have been taught to guard their knowledge carefully. Yet if they remain “takers” they will find themselves rapidly marginalized. Knowledge flows tend to concentrate among members who are sharing with, and learning from, each other.
Make adding your knowledge a regular habit. With good discipline and a well-organized habit you need spend no more than one hour per week keeping on top of the future. This will give you a real competitive advantage versus lesser informed competition and your associates.
Further reference
- Open Source Intelligence in a Networked World, Anthony Olcott, July 2012, Continuum
- Strategic Intelligence for the 21st Century: The Mosaic Method, Alfred Rollinson, OUP Oxford, January 2013
- Technology & the Future: Managing Change and Innovation in the 21st Century, Peter Von Stackelberg, 2014
- What If We’re Thinking About Organisations All Wrong?: Tim Kastelle, 2014
Regular, collaborative scanning, discussion and analysis yields far better and earlier understanding of what's coming, bringing clarity to decision-making on which Insights to focus on and which to avoid or drop.
Next steps
Now begin using the site immediately or consult our Practical Foresight Guide for more on the theory and practice of strategic foresight.
Fake News
Content from sources which have been identified as 'Fake News' will be flagged as such. Learn more.
Contact us
Do feel free to contact us if you have queries, want to suggest further refinements to the service, want us to train you or to ask for help in providing you with outsourced scanning services using the free-form message box below.