Added a facility for members to select to receive monthly or quarterly email communications instead of the fortnightly newsletters.
5 June
Added a mechanism for clients to export the list of Driving Foreces by clicking the number in the title row.
4 June
Bias: Added an experimental analysis of organizations recently accused of prejudice especially in a way considered to be unfair in the spreadsheet analysis.
Ethics: Added an experimental spreadsheet analysis of moral principles contained in forecasts.
4 May
Changed the way the Shaping Tomorrow logo works on the website, whereby there are now revolving strap-lines to reflect our growing multiple offerings to members
23 April
Added a new page of Challenges: 'Future technologies'
Added facility for clients to add pictures for their Challenge pages easily by integrating seamlessly with Pixabay
22 April
Added facility for clients to set up daily alert emails
7 April:
Quick Tour video has been updated
31 March:
Bug fixes
Moved to release developments when ready rather than bundling up into larger announcements