We have set up one click access to emerging INDICATORS of Ideas, Opportunities, Risk and Threats for all of our members. These new analyses provide a fast way to innovate and to mitigate emerging trends ahead of your rivals.
Clients can now similarly set up their own private Challenges (drivers/issues/themes etc.). Our system will automatically update these with the latest INDICATORS gleaned daily from the Internet giving clients a real-time, competitive edge and time to respond at the right time. Thanks to Geoff McBride, Science and Technology Facilities Council for his ideas to improve the system.
Export fields are being extended to facilitate more analysis of emerging change. In this version, we have added ‘Start year’, ‘End year’, ‘Region’ and ‘Topic’. This is an evolving development as we work to improve the system’s ability to read the unstructured INDICATORS using AI. Once we have achieved robustness and depth of these analyses we plan add a visualization capability.
Individual regional impacts are now being captured by our robots and can be selected from the Indicators - Refine button. Thanks to Elaine Cameron at Burson Marsteller for this suggestion.
Your profile (click your first name) is now available from the left hand navigation bar and shows how complete your details are and your Pay-As-You Go purchase history. We encourage you to complete your profile to get the maximum from our service, particularly by adding a short bio and a recent face picture.
Members who have added Sources can see their own Sources Log and Admins can see the log for their site. See above image highlight. Thanks to Philip Krebs – SKF for this suggestion