
What's new? - 03 July 2015

Contextual Infographics

We are delighted to announce the integration of infographics from Statista, one of the world’s largest statistics portals, providing relevant data from over 18,000 sources.  If you do a single word search, you will see a link to the infographics at the top of the search results.

Clicking the link produces a list of context-specific infographics.


New Search assistance

If you search for more than one word, a new suggestion will appear at the top of the results. For example, if you search for Social Issues, you will be asked if you would like to search for Social AND Issues, which may well improve your search results.

Tagging Sources
You can now ‘tag’ the sources that you add to the automated horizon scanning system. This makes it quicker and easier to find the new scan hits that the automated system finds. This is particularly useful when your horizon scanning is for multiple projects.

API (Application Program Interface)
We have launched an API to enable other software developers to create programs that interface with our automated horizon scanning.

Left-hand navigation menu
In this version we have moved ‘Alerts’ and ‘Challenges’ into the Indications section.

