What’s New - 7 January 2015
A New Year present from Shaping Tomorrow for you.
We’ve launched the latest version of our website with some extremely important and exciting changes to help you make better decisions today, far faster than before. Now, you can surprise your colleagues by having answers to what the future holds in a few seconds and consign long literature reviews and research time to the dustbin.
- New functional controls now include the ability to obtain instant text ‘Summaries’*, tag ‘Clouds’ and ‘Timelines’ on one page and to be able to ‘Sort’ and ‘Refine’ your searches to produce reports on any future topic at will. Improved Export* facilities now including source, URL and published date.
- Site navigation has been reduced by another 40% without loss of existing functionality to improve your experience.
* now requires online payment by non-client members
Plus we have made the following changes:
- Added a new facility for members to opt-out of Forum emails
- New ‘Get the Gist of Wearables’with our first free version of this new publication.
Contact us today for a free training session or try it now and get well ahead of your rivals.