Shaping Tomorrow has introduced a new set of services that adds multiple perspectives of the future.
We are excited to launch three new services along with an updated design of the scan interface:
Interactive Question-Answer
Illustrated Narrative
Shared Team Library
We hope you agree that these services add new value to the Shaping Tomorrow platform.
The aspects of the scan interface are positioned beneath the co-pilot. Our aim was to see how we could improve the user experience while providing more value from Shaping Tomorrow's steadily growing futures dataset.
When you scan, you are now presented with 25 strategic questions and an illustrated narrative, in addition to the list of forecasts.
We have organized the scan interface into two columns, the left column enables you to toggle between three representations your scan results: Questions, Forecasts and Narrative
The main objective of the Question-Answer Service is to strengthen the insight abilities of our customers and users. It may be used to follow a particular aspect of interest and use the answers and follow-up questions to look deeper and be more focused on a particular aspect. Or it may inspire or provoke a surprising aspect in the listed questions and will enable a better understanding.
While the left column remains static, the right column will be used to display the answers to any questions you may choose to ask Athena. You can use the questions that Athena has found for you, and/or you can ask your own question.
When you click on the title of a Question, the right column will display the answer:
As you reach the end of the answer you are presented with two options – A set of clickable follow-up questions and an open text area to ask your own question if you wish.
In addition to asking more questions you can always save the last answer, including the follow-up questions.
The Narrative Service is a new addition, presenting a ready-to-use, short illustrated storyline, bringing together the most important aspects of the forecasts associated with your scan.
We hope that the combination of the Questions, the Forecasts and the Narrative will bring new insight, and we look forward to hearing what you think.
Should you wish to access any element of our previous, now referred as our Classic Dashboard, all you need to do is to click:
Across the Shaping Tomorrow platform, you can save your work by clicking the Save buttons.
You will then see options to download it or to access your full library of saved information:
As the number of saved elements is growing, we have created a 'My Library' Service to improve how you retrieve content.
The content of your Library is listed chronologically with the latest saved item at the top.
For each saved item you see the Title, the Category and the Date it was saved, you have the option to delete any saved item by clicking the bin to the right of each item in your library.
You can retrieve any item listed in your library by clicking the Title. Once retrieved and displayed you can choose to download the retrieved item.
Clicking the colored Category label will select and list all saved items in that particular category.
Click on the 'Our' toggle if you want to see a library of your colleagues' work.
This completes our introduction to our latest innovations, and we look forward to hearing and feedback from you.
Matthew Richardson
CEO, Shaping Tomorrow