In recent years there has been a growing interest in collective strategic foresight under increasing uncertainty both within organizations and in literature on strategic thinking. But, framework systems to help organizations properly structure foresight activities to aid faster and better decision making and rapid increases in performance are sadly lacking. This encyclopaedic handbook provides commercial, not-for-profit, academia, government organizations and future-interested people with the concepts and practical approaches to develop systematic, collaborative foresight capabilities with limited external help and at low cost:
The handbook has been designed in eleven sequential chapters, for ease of reference:
The handbook is a stop on the journey to the future; not a destination. As such it suggests a provisional general framework of research and analysis that clearly defines how all strategic foresight activities can be carried out by any organization willing to invest in better ensuring its future survival and success.
The handbook is intended to provide ideas on how to think about, anticipate and adapt to the future, but is not a book to determine specific questions about what is on the horizon or the suggested best response; that’s your job!
Who is it for?
This handbook is for people who are:
Wanting to be true leaders of their communities and next practice thought leaders including:
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most responsive to change." (Charles Darwin)