
A Future Prognosis

Athena @ Shaping Tomorrow

27 July 2024
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World Outlook
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By 2047, XR would undergo further transformations with holographic displays and light-field displays, neural interfaces, quantum computing, decentralised platforms, and enhanced global collaboration. BusinessLine
There is a fundamental research challenge around energy use in the face of an energy crisis and climate change; it is estimated that 21% of the world's overall energy usage by 2030 will be computing power alone, yet technologies in AI, cloud, and quantum are inherently power-hungry. Forbes
Given the potential speed and networked power of quantum machine learning and cloud computing, a glitch in quantum artificial intelligence could start as a local incident but quickly cascade into a global crisis. The Conversation
Global regions, coloured according to number of forecasts
  • Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal Satanic Media assets will be removed. Blogger
  • Quantum supremacy could be accessible in the next 5 to 10 years. UC Today
  • The UK has a strong global reputation in each domain, and quantum computing is expected to accelerate development in the coming years. PR Newswire
  • Fujitsu Australia Limited and The Australian National University in Canberra concluded a memorandum of understanding to ensure that industry and government professionals, researchers, academics, and students in Australia will soon have access to a world-class quantum research facility. TradingView
  • The limits for malicious use are unending; for instance, encrypted data on the inner workings of a nuclear facility stolen in 2024 would still be relevant and exploitable in 2030 when a quantum computer can decrypt it. Help Net Security
  • Azure Quantum opens potential for breakthrough hybrid quantum + generative AI modeling once fault tolerant quantum hardware matures by 2026. IT Consulting Services
  • The first successful implementation of topological qubits by Microsoft in 2024, an important milestone that could pave the way for more reliable quantum computers. IndustryWired
  • Five new quantum research hubs backed by £100 million of government funding will deliver breakthroughs in healthcare, cybersecurity and transport. GOV.UK
  • Illinois dedicated $500 million in its 2025 budget to quantum research, including $140 million to match the defence department's investment in the proving ground. Block Club Chicago
  • Agencies like the US National Security Agency and the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) have been working on post-quantum cyber security technology in the form of classical algorithms that will be secure against quantum computers. youTalk-insurance.com
  • Existing encryption methods, such as RSA and ECC, could be rendered obsolete by quantum attacks. Responsible Cyber
  • Shor's algorithm, which efficiently prime factors on quantum computers, can threaten classical encryption systems such as RSA. Practical Tips

A framework that describes a 4-phase level of maturity to help determine potential and inform innovation strategy.

computer, quantum, application, algorithm, artificial intelligence, quantum computing
artificial intelligence, 5G, market, application, computer, algorithm
quantum, commercial, copper, enterprise, GDP, LCD
bank, asset, catalyst, coal, copper, market
Past Year: Stable
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By 2047, XR would undergo further transformations with holographic displays and light-field displays, neural interfaces, quantum computing, decentralised platforms, and enhanced global collaboration. BusinessLine
The power of quantum computers could transform the world on a massive scale. UC Today
  • Panama's government says it will engage with First Quantum Minerals Ltd. in the coming months to discuss the environmental impact of its shuttered copper mine. BNN Bloomberg
  • Illinois will commit $140 million in co-investment for the Quantum Proving Ground and DARPA's level of investment in the Quantum Benchmarking Initiative will be determined by the quality of proposals, evaluation results, and availability of federal funding. HPCwire
  • The nations that lead in quantum development and commercialization will reap a global strategic advantage. Nextgov/FCW
  • In terms of financial forecasts, D-Wave Quantum's revenue may grow by 46.02% in 2024 to $12.79 million, and by 101.46% in 2025 to $25.76 million. Yahoo Finance
  • The quantum industry could add thousands of jobs to Colorado over the next decade. CU Boulder Today
  • Midnight Sun is entering a new phase of exploration which will have us drilling aggressively on both a Lumwana analog at Dumbwa with KoBold Metals, and on two oxide-copper targets at Kazhiba and Mitu with First Quantum. Junior Mining Network
  • There are about five Huoyan-1 early warning satellites, and China is testing a quantum-enabled communications satellite that could lead to virtually unbreakable communications. Defense News
  • An intelligent alien civilization could beam quantum messages to Earth.
  • The research teams will leverage high performance and quantum computing to advance life sciences, with the goal of improving healthcare and accelerating new treatments for patients around the world. Cleveland Clinic
  • Post-quantum cryptography has become a trending topic, with the initial round of PQC standards expected to be published in early 2024. Keyfactor
  • The threats from quantum computing pose unprecedented challenges to current cryptographic standards, with the potential to compromise the public keys safeguarding today's communications, including the global internet. HPCwire
  • Indians are mostly voice-first technology consumers and GPT-4o will bring a quantum jump in AI consumption among India. Economic Times
Financial Impact
The quantum sector is expected to create between $600 billion and $1.1 trillion in economic value globally in the next 30 years. The Straits Times
Quantum computing alone could account for $1.3 trillion in value by 2035. The Week
McKinsey estimates that the four industries likely to capitalize most significantly on advances in quantum-automotive, chemical, financial services, and life sciences-may increase $1.3 trillion in value by 2035 by integrating quantum computing into business analysis and decisions. / USA Default
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The designation of 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology by the United Nations signifies a pivotal moment for global scientific collaboration and public engagement. Optimize IAS
The global adoption of quantum computing - and the discovery of quantum advantage - will require a combination of leading quantum hardware alongside a robust and performant software stack to run workloads. IBM Newsroom
SEALSQ's post-quantum semiconductor technologies provide a 'root of trust' - a reliable foundation for secure computing and transaction verification in a world threatened by quantum computing capabilities. Yahoo Finance
Changing proportion of published forecasts
A Scotiabank report forecasts Cobre Panama's copper output in 2024 to represent about 1.6% of global supply and warned an indefinite shutdown increases risks of First Quantum potentially defaulting by the third quarter of 2024, and threaten its liquidity by early 2025. Insurance Journal
Government and Standards organizations worldwide are preparing for the possibility that large scale quantum computers, which can threaten the security of currently deployed encryption systems, could become a reality within the next decade or so. Monash University
Know how others are tackling issues with this topic
Quantum computing has tremendous potential to change the world by solving many previously unsolvable problems. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society
A well-functioning quantum simulator - a specific type of quantum computer - could lead to new discoveries about how the world works at the smallest scales. ScienceDaily
A well-functioning quantum simulator - a specific type of quantum computer - could lead to new discoveries about how the world works at the smallest scales. ScienceDaily
Key topics
Investigate what’s transforming or collapsing
Solving the world's most intractable problems - reversing climate change, for instance - will ultimately require combining supercomputers, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. The Register
SQC recently delivered the world's first integrated circuit built at the atomic scale, is on track to build a commercial quantum device by 2028, and has the ultimate goal of delivering useful commercial quantum computing solutions. Transport Times
Quantum computers hold the promise of being able to quickly solve extremely complex problems that might take the world's most powerful supercomputer decades to crack. MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What's Next
Changing proportion of material mentioning future years
Over the next few years, enterprises across the world will be investing to upskill talent and prepare their organizations for the arrival of quantum computing. IBM Blog
Public key infrastructure, TLS encryption, browsers and code signing are the four essential areas where we will see greater interest in post-quantum cryptography in the coming year, not just in terms of mitigating risk, but as a business differentiator too. SME MAGAZIZNE
Can Quantum Internet Address Unlock New Capabilities? Quantum Zeitgeist
Can Quantum Internet Routing Unlock New Capabilities? Quantum Zeitgeist
Can Quantum Internet Unlock New Capabilities? Quantum Zeitgeist
How might quantum sensors better missile defence? Mobility Foresights
How will the integration of AI and quantum computing impact industries like healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity? elblog.pl
How will 'quantum-secure' communication technologies develop in future? Tech Xplore
Who will have access to quantum cloud computing, and when? IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property La
Who are some of the key players in the quantum computing market? TMC NEWS
Who are the players in the quantum computing in drug discovery services market? TMC NEWS
What role will NAND flash memory play in emerging technologies such as quantum computing and neuromorphic computing? Mobility Foresights
What non-perturbative QFT problems can be tackled with current Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum machines? Nature
What if scientists could leverage the advantages of quantum physics to uncover data about complex systems that happened in the past? phys.org
When will we enjoy the benefits of quantum computing? haaretz.com
Is this the year when quantum moves out of the very low-temperature, purpose-built lab and into a typical data center? BusinessToday
Why is Apple already talking "post-quantum" when quantum computing is only in its infancy and no powerful, fully programmable quantum computers yet exist? Tech Xplore
What are the benchmarks that predict whether tomorrow's quantum computers will be truly revolutionary? Department of Physics
What industries will benefit the most from quantum computing? AliTech Solutions
What role will emerging technologies like quantum computing and edge computing play in reshaping the future landscape of software markets? elblog.pl
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