
Leadership Team : Wallys Conhaim

Conhaim Associates, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Wallys Conhaim's four-decade career as a researcher, analyst, strategic planner, futurist and consultant has focused on assessing trends affecting businesses and institutions, helping organizations develop realistic views of alternative futures, bringing leading-edge concepts into practice, and building capacity through innovative participatory techniques that tap into the full-range of human and information resource bases and relationships.

She is a principal in Conhaim Associates, Inc., a Minneapolis consulting firm founded in 1972 that serves a diverse clientele including Fortune 100 companies, entrepreneurs, nonprofits and public institutions.  In most of her assignments, she helps leaders understand and adapt their organizations, products and services to the rapidly changing information, media and communications environment. Designer of the first national conference on technology for nonprofit organizations in 1982, Wallys has been a catalyst in building national awareness of opportunities and issues related to nonprofit access to information age resources
Wallys is also the managing partner of Piper Resources, an Internet publishing firm established in 1996 that provides a critically acclaimed gateway to US state and local government information to the public ( and a weblog on government websites. In addition, she participates in two strategic alliances:  Medical Marketing Associates and Social Audit Partners, each dedicated to bringing innovative futures practices to the fields of healthcare and corporate social responsibility respectively.  
Conhaim is an award-winning writer and researcher.  Her future-oriented "Perspectives" column devoted to emerging consumer Internet developments appears in Information Today, the leading online information industry monthly.  In addition to proprietary studies, she has written hundreds of articles on interactive services in professional and trade publications.  She has served as rapporteur for the Columbia University Seminar on Pre-Industrial Areas, edited conference volumes for the Society for International Development and other associations, and contributed to books on leading-edge topics.  
An active member of the World Future Society, the Minnesota Futurists and the Minnesota Independent Scholars' Forum, her current research interests include: the evolution of online communications; the application of dialogue and citizen diplomacy, online and off, to intercultural and interreligious relations; the transformation of the publishing industry; and the roles e-government and e-democracy play in governance.

Wallys honed her opinion, business research and interviewing skills in earlier positions at The Roper Organization in New York and the News Research and Research Planning Departments at the Minneapolis StarTribune.
Her professional nonprofit background began at the International Secretariat of the Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC), a global internship exchange program, in Geneva, Switzerland and as administrator of the US headquarters in New York City in the early '60s.  She has since held voluntary leadership positions in many professional and civic organizations devoted to futures, planning, media, social justice, international exchange, women's leadership, public policy and the arts.
Wallys holds a BA Cum Laude in Government with a concentration in International Affairs from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, and has studied at the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva, Switzerland and in an online program at the New School for Social Research, among other academic institutions.