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Future of Brands

Athena @ ST 25 April 2018

Nearly half of North American and European consumers will abandon a brand and take their money elsewhere if they repeatedly encounter "a poor, impersonal or frustrating customer experience across channels of engagement." Also, 57% of global consumers will buy or boycott a brand based on its position on a social or political issue. Read to discover how you should respond.
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System map

The forces for change are legion in retail driven by ecommerce, emerging technologies and the fight for global share.

Sentiment analysis
Brand sentiment has been suffering recently in the wake of reported scandals. The latest high-profile cases being those of Facebook, BMW and this week TSB (UK). As was forecast above, the power to choose is now fully in the hands of customers and they will switch suppliers if they don't like that company's reputation management policies. But, it presents a huge opportunity for those organizations who measure and manage their reputation management openly, professionally and caringly.

Pie charts
Athena thinks it will take another two decades for brands to fully develop their reputation management processes driven by an ever-demanding public for great and instant service and recovery. Speed and efficiency will be at the heart of every organizations fulfilment or they will perish in the extreme competitive environment that every sector will face by 2035.

Radar chart
Athena thinks the top ten issues for brands in the future are economic growth, sustainability, tourism and aviation, law, nutrition, augmented and virtual reality, oil and the decline in TV watching. We recommend that you search for brand and these topics in Shaping Tomorrow to discover the underlying forecasts behind these drivers of change and to decide your strategic response.

Athena calculates that the five sectors with the largest brand opportunities and risks in 2025 are likely to be Tourism & hospitality, Transport, Pharmaceuticals, Energy and, Food and agriculture. If you are involved with these five sectors we once again recommend that you search for brand and these sectors in Shaping Tomorrow to discover the underlying forecasts and to decide your strategic response.

Branding issues have increased dramatically for most sectors as competition heats up and boards grapple with the issues of strengthening their reputation management in the light of recent scandals. The laggards, like Facebook, have a lot of work to do in changing their cultures, or their brands will become tainted, perhaps fatally, as others see opportunities to replace them with more open, ethical and caring services.

Major efforts on branding are likely to be seen in North America, China, India, Saudi Arabia and Argentina. There also seems a major opportunity in Africa which represents the last continent with huge growth potential that has yet to be exploited.

Athena used the sources below as the top ones to create this report and determined which embedded forecasts are included in this Trend Alert. She found 3612 forecasts in seconds on the 25th April 2018 to allow us to publish this summary in less than an hour. She can turn these into PowerPoint slides and Audio files in minutes too as you wish.

Athena does show duplicates to aid your understanding of themes as well as contradictory forecasts. She may also show near-duplicates. You can speed read past the duplicates and near-duplicates if you wish, though the latter may show additional information. You can use the contradictory, and likely uncertain forecasts she finds to imagine different scenarios. The future is unpredictable, but we can examine the possibilities and choose our preferable future from the choices she presents.

Athena is apolitical. She will report forecasts from different viewpoints however distasteful that might be to our own values. Wearing rose-colored glasses is not her purpose; reporting potential futures is. So, we recommend you check her veracity before responding to her extracted forecasts.

Just like humans, Athena can be fallible. Do recognize that you and your associates are biased too. But whereas you tire, make mistakes and only recognize what interests you, she does not. She might miss or misinterpret as you do, but with far less frequency and she'll take uncomfortable truths and alternative ideas in her stride. But, please let us know if you feel her bias can be reduced. We want to do our best for you. And, as with any research, you should check and triangulate her findings for yourself.

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