Malware campaigns
Please note: The graphs below are a selection from our extensive collection of visual analysis tools that you can manipulate on the Shaping Tomorrow service to suit your own purposes.
Sentiment analysis
Sentiment towards DIKW has been neutral for the last six months but the New Year has brought a flurry of articles and reports highlighting the growth of interest in using big data analytics to predict the future. We expect this to continue as the year progresses and more successful implementations are reported.
The metrics show that the world is only in the foothills of the move to convert data and information to knowledge and wisdom. It will take some time for this conversion to take place and likely 2043 will be the tipping point for public acceptance.
Shortages of data scientists, increased regulation and explorations in previously unknown territories will be some of the restraining forces to earlier adoption in many sectors.
Topic map
We have identified ‘Organization’ change as megatrend for some time though it rarely appears if at all on others lists. We expect organizations will be forced to implement new business models and structure to cope with the transformation of data and information into knowledge and wisdom.
We recommend you further explore the topics forecasts below, particularly emerging ‘Organization’ changes at to gain further foresight on how DIKW may impact your organization in the future.
The changes that result in moving to greater digital knowledge and wisdom will create many secondary and tertiary effects. The most likely areas for change are shown in the Cloud below:
Again, you can explore those of interest by clicking this Cloud at Just search on “Data OR Information OR Knowledge OR Wisdom”. Then click Visualize and select the ‘Cloud button.
Heat map
Movements towards greater digital knowledge and wisdom will be most felt in North America, China, India and Australia in 2018, with China leading the charge.
Moves up the DIKW ladder are being focused on by primarily Retail, Pharmaceutical, IT, Construction, Telecoms, Transport, Security and Support Services. But, there is something for all here, increasing competitive advantage and avoiding obsolescence.
Radar chart
This graphic shows that Retail, Transport, Construction, Food and Agriculture and Telecoms are the sectors most likely to witness disruption by emerging technologies in the next few years.
The key topic areas below highlight the coming importance of quantum computing, improved software and AI that will have transformationalfuture impacts on healthcare, jobs, cities, manufacturing and IT
We recommend you explore the topics in more detail at Shaping Tomorrow to mitigate threats to your organization and to seize upcoming opportunities.
a) Emerging topics
b) Most affected sectors
By 2025, Athena, our robot, expects to see the most disruptive changes to DIKW being in telecoms, support services, government and security.
Will they be ready in time?