
Global Scans · Work · Weekly Summary

WHAT'S NEXT?: AI will replace 16% of jobs over the next decade. A billion people will enter the job market over the next ten years.

  • [New] Staff that were working on the Rwanda scheme will now target businesses suspected of employing illegal workers, with a focus on nail bars and car washes. Sky News
  • [New] In Australia, businesses are still working to minimise the disruption caused by the global IT outage, particularly Jetstar after thousands of people were left stranded by 150 flight cancellations, reports the Australian Associated Press. The Guardian
  • [New] Skills could unlock economic growth in Scotland Another report co-produced by PwC and Connectr - the Youth Employment Index - found that Scotland's economy could be boosted by around £3bn per year by unlocking employment, training and educational opportunities for young people. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
  • [New] Desperate to fill thousands of vacancies in various sectors, the German government plans to offer tax rebates to foreign workers if they take up jobs in Germany. DW.COM
  • [New] Part of the border inspection procedures agreement with European countries will include mobile artists, facilitating their movement and work within and outside Britain and European countries. Algerian Encyclopedia of Political and Strategic Studies
  • [New] Disabled people fear the Labour Government will follow terrifying Conservative plans to restrict eligibility for personal independence payments in a drive to cut Britain's benefits bill. iNews
  • [New] Artificial intelligence technologies could lead to the creation of about 97 million new jobs worldwide by 2025, outpacing the approximately 85 million jobs displaced to technology or machines. Washington State Standard
  • [New] South Africa is undergoing a renewable energy revolution that is expected to be the most significant driver of growth and job creation in the next decade and beyond. SAnews
  • [New] Today, businesses of all sizes must deliver to their customers against a backdrop of supply chain disruptions, with technological changes, shifting labour pools, geopolitics, and climate change adding new complexity and risk at a global scale. MIT Technology Review
  • [New] Victoria's Creative State 2025 aims to engender stability, create opportunity and stimulate growth for Victoria's creative workers, businesses and industries. The Conversation
  • [New] University of South Australia researchers have worked with industry to build a world-first, energy-efficient refrigeration system that could revolutionise how we cool supermarkets, hospitals, abattoirs and other systems. Home
  • [New] One of the primary responsibilities of Skills England will be identifying non-levy training programs eligible for funding under Labour's proposed 'growth and skills levy', intended to replace the current apprenticeship levy. NSAR
  • [New] Meatly plans to continue its cost reduction work and start scaling production to reach industrial volumes within 3-5 years, providing an ethical and environmentally sustainable food source for dogs and cats, which account for c. Shares Magazine
  • [New] The Labour Government will not reverse Rishi Sunak's decision to cancel the northern leg of the HS2 rail line, but will improve east to west rail connectivity across the north of England. iNews
  • [New] If, over the next two years, homes are built at the rapid pace that has been proposed, it might contribute to diverting skills from other growth sectors, such as vital retrofit work for heat pump or solar installation. The Conversation
  • [New] With the regulatory approval in place, Meatly plans to start producing commercial samples of its pet food in 2024 as it works on reducing costs and scaling production to reach industrial volumes in the next three years. Energy Connects
  • [New] Labour will hope that increasing investment in producing, moving, and storing clean power through Great British Energy will help reduce the reliance on gas, cleaning up the UK's energy mix and improving its energy security. Wired
  • [New] Any major move to grow closer to Brussels could prompt a backlash from other ministers, who are worried about alienating Leave voters who backed Labour at this month's election. iNews
  • [New] In 2022, in work commissioned by Master Builders Australia, Ernst & Young estimated the economic costs of Labour proceeding with its plan to abolish the ABCC at $47.5 billion by 2030. The Conversation
  • [New] England needs a further 540,000 social care posts by 2040 if the workforce is to grow in line with the increase in the number of people over the age of 65. The Guardian
  • [New] The development of AVs could impact jobs, especially with companies like UPS potentially reducing their workforce. ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International

Last updated: 22 July 2024

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