
Integrating Small Modular Reactors in Data Center Energy Solutions

Integrating Small Modular Reactors in Data Center Energy Solutions

Amidst the increasing demand for cleaner and consistent power sources, a new frontier is taking shape that intersects the fields of nuclear energy and digital infrastructure.

3 May 2024


This emerging trend involves the coupling of Advanced Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) with the burgeoning energy requirements of data centers, potentially revolutionizing the way such facilities are powered and influencing a wider energy ecosystem.

What's Changing?

The digital economy continues to skyrocket, and with it, the energy consumption of data centers responsible for keeping this digital backbone operational. A report from Utility Dive projects a surge in American data centers' energy uptake to 7.5% of the total U.S. electricity usage by 2030. To address this rise sustainably, energy innovations must parallel the digitization trend.

Enter Advanced SMRs: smaller, safer, and more manageable versions of traditional nuclear reactors, which have caught the eye of sectors looking for reliable carbon-neutral power sources. Significantly, we see a strategic partnership between an SMR technology provider, NuScale, and Standard Power, an energy solutions company. They aim to harness SMR technology to energize data centers in Pennsylvania and Ohio. This decision marks a pivotal step towards a novel application for nuclear technology beyond traditional utilities.

While nuclear energy's integration with data centers is still nascent, it presents a unique confluence of high-tech and traditional industries, pointing towards a tangible, scalable clean energy option for data-driven enterprises.

Why is this Important?

As global economies pivot towards greener energy solutions and digital transformation accelerates, the alliance of SMRs and data centers signals a strategic realignment of energy sourcing. The pursuit of energy efficiency in data centers aligns with governmental support for domestic manufacturing of next-generation batteries and energy storage, emphasizing the shared focus on innovative power solutions as shown by the U.S. Department of Energy's funding initiatives. This trend implicates a shift towards more sustainable and resilient tech infrastructure, potentially reducing reliance on fossil fuels and elevating nuclear energy to a contemporary platform of high-demand energy consumption.


What makes this development compelling is the domino effect it could trigger across multiple industries:

  • Data Centers: Operators will have the potential to substantially reduce their carbon footprint and leverage the reliability and capacity of SMRs to support surging data needs.

  • Energy Sector: SMRs can diversify energy portfolios, introducing nuclear as a feasible option for private sector partnerships, not merely as a public utility.

  • Environmental Impact: This trend supports global efforts to transition to low-carbon energy sources, directly influencing climate change mitigation strategies.

  • Innovation and Investment: The push towards advanced nuclear technology can spur innovation, intellectual property development, and attract investment, following a broader trend of accelerating advances in energy technology.

This integration also raises considerations for regulatory standards, safety measures, and public perception, as the nuclear industry enters new arenas. Developing robust frameworks for the operation of SMRs in non-traditional settings will be imperative for broad acceptance and success


Strategists and planners might consider the following:

  • What regulatory adjustments are needed to oversee SMRs within private industry landscapes like data centers?

  • How could potential public safety concerns be mitigated to encourage community acceptance of nearby SMR-powered data centers?

  • What are the long-term implications for energy grid demand and sustainability if SMRs become a standard option for data center operations?

  • Could the reliable power from SMRs attract other high-energy industries to reconsider their energy sourcing strategies?


The promising intersection of Advanced SMRs with data center energy solutions is a telling sign of times where the appetite for energy meets the urgency for green solutions. While the union of these distinct sectors is starting to take form, its full potential hinges on a collection of developments in regulatory reform, technology advancements, and changes in public sentiment. As digital and traditional energy realms interlace, the stakes for a successful and sustainable outcome rise, marking this convergence as a notable signal for strategic consideration.


Primary sources used for this analysis:
