Susan Chesley Fant Biography and CV
I am a professional with experience in international strategy, project management and consulting focused on growing in strategy and new technology. Currently, I am the Executive Director of the Foresight Education and Research Network (FERN) and an independent consultant specializing in digital strategic planning, with an emphasis on foresight and scenario planning.
Specialties include: Business Strategy, Writing, Editing, Public Speaking, Scenario Planning, and Business Relationship Building.
Interests include: Creative Industries, Technology, Politics, Real Estate, Sustainable Development, Foresight, and Business Strategy in Emerging Economies. I have specific experience studying and working in the United States, United Kingdom, China, and Belize.
Most of my academic career has focused on blending creative and research writing with business. Experience includes Master's level research writing and writing/editing with regional newspapers and magazines. I am a graduate of the University of St Andrews in Managing in the Creative Industries (MLitt), which included coursework in scenario planning. While at St Andrews, I connected with Gill Ringland at the St Andrews Management Institute to learn more about professional scenario planning.
Currently, I am the Executive Director of the Foresight Education and Research Network. I activate and create foresight networks that attract members to FERN including 190+ LinkedIn group, 800+ internal database, and 240+ Shaping Tomorrow Ning. I also create partnerships with academic programs and businesses engaged in foresight. What I enjoy the most about my role with FERN is every week I communicate with foresight students and professionals from every continent, excluding Antarctica.
As a consultant, my current specialties include website management, communications strategy, social media fundraising via digital strategy plans. My client base consists of various entrepreneurs and not for profits including the Alabama Writer’s Forum and University of St Andrews North American Foundation. My most current project is located here: .
Susan Chesley Fant's CV
Executive Director: Foresight Education & Research Network
1/2012 – Present, Mountain View, CA (telecommuting)
Consultant, Susan Chesley Consulting
11/2010 – Present, Birmingham, AL
On Site Director & Group Leader, Duke University
Summer 2011, Florida & North Carolina
Teaching Assistant, Duke University
Summer 2009, Dangriga, Belize
Teaching Assistant, Duke University
Summer 2008, Shanghai, Xi’An, and Beijing, China
Other Experiences of Interest
2009: PA Consulting (UK) & Regions Financial (US) Student Analyst
2008-2009: The Hilltop News(Birmingham-Southern Newspaper): Editor in Chief
2008: Interim in Italy Classical Art and Architecture: Rome, Florence & Venice
2007 & 2008: Southern Living Magazine: Internship & Mentorship
University of St Andrews: Masters Degree in Managing in the Creative Industries, 11/2010
St Andrews, Scotland, UK // Emphasis on new media, network theory, entrepreneurship and scenario planning
Dissertation: Sesame Workshop’s Co-Production Model in Middle East, South Africa & Bangladesh
Birmingham-Southern College: Bachelors Degree in Business and Leadership, 05/2009
Birmingham, Alabama, USA // AACSB Accredited
2007 Charles Vail Funded Research Assistant in Entrepreneurship
Teaching Assistant: BA400 International Business Strategy & BA201 Foundations of Business Thought
7 years of public speaking experience to audiences of 10-300 people
7 years of business, journalistic and academic writing for multiple publications and projects
Alabama School of Fine Arts Creative Writing Graduate (2005)
Master’s level experience with qualitative and quantitative research in business strategy