Gists are human curated documents that provide a brief glance at the future of a particular subject. The Gists highlight potential opportunities and risks within issues relevant to a wide range of sectors. They are designed to spark strategic conversations within organizations.
The main thrust of each Gist is created using our Extractor Tools which sift the internet for future relevant news, extract the forward looking information, and summarize the data into bite size forecasts of any given subject. The editors assess and enhance the data, and then they add a general introduction and a suggested strategic method for analyzing the relevance for your organization - either a baseline scenario or a plausible alternative scenario. Our paying clients are able to use the Extractor Tools for their own private purposes, but the Gists are final documents ready for high level review. They are also available to everyone for a much smaller fee whether individually or by subscription.
Our first Gist, Wearables: Optimizing You, is available for free. After you read it, let us know what you like and dislike about it. Also, let us know what topics you would like to see covered in future Gists.